OK... what am I missing?

Phil Davis revdev at pdslabs.net
Tue Apr 17 13:46:42 EDT 2012

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. The problem: my standalone app is a 
'splash' style app and didn't have a DG substack of its own. I added a DG to the 
standalone app stack, made it small, hid it and never use it. Now when I make it 
into a standalone, the Standalone Builder finds the unused DG and includes the 
needed support for DGs. Result: The DGs in all parts of my app now work fine.


On 4/16/12 8:48 PM, Tereza Snyder wrote:
> I am at my wit’s end. Suddenly, my datagrid stopped working in my standalone. At first, I laughed, "Oh ho, I must have neglected to load the revdatagrid library! It’ll be fixed in a jiffy!"
> But no.
> "The lockmessages must be true!"
> no.
> "The data array must be empty!"
> no.
> ...
> Many, many hours later, it still fails. I have attached my debugging log stack to the standalone and added output statements in every step. I have ascertained—for sure—that IN THE STANDALONE:
> - the datagrid library is in memory,
> - the datagrid library behavior button exists,
> - my datagrid group’s behavior is properly set,
> - the template stack is in memory,
> - the data array to be sent to the datagrid is correct,
> - the lockmessages is false,
> but when the statement:
>    set the dgData of grp "Modules" of me to gModinfoA
> is encountered, the 'setprop dgData' in the revdatgrid library IS NOT EXECUTED, and my next statement:
>    dispatch "SortDataByKey" to grp "Modules" of me with "title", "international","ascending", false
> Does anyone have any insight at all? I’ve exhausted myself over this. It used to work! It works in the IDE! I have a deadline!
> I need a clue. *sob*
> t

Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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