mail command in the shell -- need 'reply to' parameter

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Sun Apr 15 23:04:48 EDT 2012

I am using this subroutine using Livecode server to send mail from a mail

command mail pTo, pSub, pMsg, pFrom
        put shellEscape(pTo) into pTo
        put shellEscape(pSub) into pSub
        put shellEscape(pMsg) into pMsg
        put shellEscape(pFrom) into pFrom
*        get shell("echo -e" && qtx(pMsg) && "| mail -s" & qtx(pSub) &&
qtx(pTo) && "-- -f" & qtx(pFrom))*
put it & return & the result into tCommandResult
end mail

-- wrap quotes around text
function qtx pText
        return quote & pText & quote
end qtx

This works great, however I'd like to add the 'reply-to' parameter to the
shell call. I've poured over the linux man page and I don't see the
parameter right away.  I'd like the eventual form email recipient to reply
to the email field on the form, but if I set the 'pFrom' parameter to that,
the web host may reject the transmission due to spam prevention.


Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  <>

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