LiveCode Mobile Info at LiveCode Journal (was Re: How to detect Android or iOS)

Ken Ray kray at
Thu Apr 12 12:26:52 EDT 2012

>> For more info, check this out:
> Cool. I keep missing the LC Journal stuff because I forget to go look. Is there an RSS feed for it?

Now that there's more awareness of LiveCode Journal forums, I thought that I should provide some info on the LiveCode Mobile section of the forums - it came about because I had been starting on a mobile development path and ran into a bunch of "gotchas" and tidbits of info that I was starting to keep in my own computer (in Scripter's Scrapbook, of course <grin>), but realized after a short time that it would be beneficial if that info was made available to more people and also be a "go-to" resource for myself as I'm doing mobile development.

So I started posting info I discovered as well relevant chunks of other developers' posts to the LC lists, and was planning on announcing it when it was farther along that it currently is. :D 

I also wanted it to be a more curated set of data so that threads didn't spin off into irrelevant directions, or new topics getting created that are actually covered elsewhere, so at least *for now*, if you want to add anything to what's already there, it needs to go through the moderator approval process and may take a day or so to appear. That said, feel free to browse around ( and if you find something wrong or something you want to talk to me about, just shoot me an email.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:	

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