Zipping Up an LC standalone program

Tim Jones tolistim at
Tue Apr 10 20:09:53 EDT 2012

Pete -

Both OS X and Linux will auto-extract tar, tar.gz, tgz, and files if that setting is enabled in the browser (safe files) or by double clicking the file.

If the user adds WinTAR or a later version of PkZIP or 7zip to their Windows systems, they'll get the same thing there.


On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:04 PM, Pete wrote:

> I guess my primary concern is that a user can simply download the
> compressed file and either have his browser autoatically un-compress it or
> just be able to double-click on it to un-compress it, then have the program
> be ready to use.  I may be misunderstanding but sounds like it might not be
> that straightforward with tar?

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