iOS Keyboard options

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Fri Apr 6 05:26:59 EDT 2012

In the latest LC iOS Release notes, the options for changing the keyboard type and the look of the return key are described, with this note:

> If you wish to configure the keyboard options based on the field that is being focused, simply use the commands in an openField handler of the given field. The keyboard is only shown after this handler returns, so it is the ideal time to configure it.

When I did this, it had absolutely no effect. OTOH, when I put the configuration statements in the preOpenCard handler (there is only one card in this test app), they worked fine.

Did I do something wrong?

Also, on the iPad but not the iPhone, a keyboard can  have a little keyboard icon in the bottom right hand corner - can anyone save me the experiment and say what key or keycode this is?



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