[on-rev]Line endings for a db query

Michael Kann mikekann at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 2 10:12:08 EDT 2012


Here's my guess as to what is happening. On the web page you need a "<br>" to start a new line. Perhaps the return that you appended to your data is not getting translated into a "<br>" before it is put onto the web page.


--- On Mon, 4/2/12, Martin Koob <mkoob at rogers.com> wrote:

From: Martin Koob <mkoob at rogers.com>
Subject: [on-rev]Line endings for a db query
To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
Date: Monday, April 2, 2012, 8:47 AM

I have a script that is a repeat loop that gets the results of a database
query which has a number of lines and puts it after a variable tSamplelist. 
I then use that variable tSampleList to display data on the webpage by
iterating through the lines in the variable.  

However for each iteration of the original repeat loop the first line of
data from the next query is appended to the last line of the tSamplelist and
not put on a new line.  I tried adding a return after each query but that
creates a new blank line.   Is there a character I can add after the query
that will end the line so the next query will be added on a new line?



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