Location of iOS 5.0 SDK

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Apr 1 23:16:17 EDT 2012

On 4/1/12 9:28 PM, Mark Smith wrote:
> Further observations:
> Where once my Library folder used to be (ie. /Mark/Library) there is now
> just an empty space. I checked my time machine backup and inside Library is
> Developer. And inside Developer is Xcode. Or should I say, was Xcode. Is
> this a case of Lion thinking its safer for me not to muck about in the
> Library folder so it has made it invisible? Is any of this relevant to
> finding the iOS 5.0 SDK?

Lion hides the Library folders, heaven knows why. You can get to them in 
several ways; the easiest is to hold down the Option key while clicking 
the Go menu in the Finder. The folders are still there, they're just 

You need to change the LiveCode mobile pref to point to the XCode app in 
the Applications folder, instead of the old Developer folder.

I have purchased and downloaded Lion and have been sitting here all 
weekend trying to make myself install it. I know I have to. Still don't 
want to.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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