Tell me I'm not crazy

Andre Garzia andre at
Mon Sep 19 16:42:48 EDT 2011


I don't think you can compare arrays like that... I never tried to do so, I
always sort the keys and iterate thru them.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Tereza Snyder <tereza at> wrote:

> I recently encountered a problem implementing an undo function in a script.
> I needed to compare two arrays to see if any values had changed, like this:
> put (tArray1 <> tArray2) into sDirtyFlag
> so that sDirtyFlag would be true when the arrays failed to match. However,
> sDirtyFlag was always false! No matter what!
> I put the two arrays into globals and compared them in the message box,
> like this:
> put (gArray1 = gArray2), and the result was always correct. I thought there
> was some hidden horrible error in my script that dementia prevented me from
> seeing, until I realized that in my script I was using "<>" not "=" to
> compare.
> See if the following script, pasted into a button, mystifies you the way it
> did me. If you comment out the line:
> put "xx" into  tTestA2["low2"]
> so that the arrays ARE equal you might see, as I did, that the comparison
> is correct.
> Evidently in LiveCode 4.5.3, buildnumber 1444, on MacOS 10.6.8,
> "(tTestA1 <> tTestA2)" is not the same as "not(tTestA1 = tTestA2)" when the
> arrays are unequal.
> (I apologize that the example is so elaborate, I was attempting to
> reproduce the error environment.)
> tereza
> -- mind the linewraps
> ------------------------------
> on mouseUp
>    DoArrayComparison
> end mouseUp
> on DoArrayComparison
>    -- create 1 array
>    repeat for each item iii in "low1,low2,low3"
>        repeat for each item ii in "lower1,lower2,lower3"
>            repeat for each item i in "lowest1,lowest2,lowest3"
>                put "data" && iii && ii && i into tA1[iii][ii][i]
>            end repeat
>        end repeat
>    end repeat
>    -- create 2 arrays from it
>    put tA1 into tTestA1
>    put tTestA1 into tTestA2
>    -- make them unequal
>    put "xx" into  tTestA2["low2"]
>    -- do three comparisons
>    put "(tTestA1 = tTestA2)="& (tTestA1 = tTestA2) &cr& \
>            "(tTestA1 <> tTestA2)="& (tTestA1 <> tTestA2)  &cr& \
>            "not(tTestA1 = tTestA2)="& not(tTestA1 = tTestA2)
> end DoArrayComparison
> -------------------------------
> --
> Tereza Snyder
> Califex Software, Inc.
> <>
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