Vibrate in iOS

Randy Hengst iowahengst at
Sat Sep 17 15:58:31 EDT 2011

Hi All,

I've started playing with vibrate in iOS and ran into a problem right off the bat.

I'm using 4.6.4 gm3

I'm following the lesson:  How do I play sounds on an iOS device?

In the lesson this script is given as a way to get the phone to vibrate…

on mouseUp
    set the beepsound to "empty"
end mouseUp

Note: You will need to deploy this to your iPhone in order to test it. This script will cause your iPhone to vibrate if you have that enabled.

The simulator and iPhone throws an error at the line of the set statement….

I'm using

on errorDialog pExecutionError, pParseError
   answer "An error occurred on line: " & item 2 of line 1 of pExecutionError
end errorDialog

in the stack script to catch the errors in the simulator and device.

Thoughts on what I'm missing?

be well,
randy hengst

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