LiveCode post 3.5 on Linux boxes with no display

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Wed Sep 14 11:43:51 EDT 2011


Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 6:01:05 AM, you wrote:

> I'm catching on late to the removal of the command-line options from Rev 4.0
> onwards.

> Specifically, I have a current application which is sometimes run 
> interactively, but can also be run non-interactively from the command line.

To be clear about this, the commandline options have *not* disappeared
from post-3.5 LC. I have a commercial app that would have *very*
serious problems if this were so. That said, I haven't used the -ui
option in some time - I simply hide the stack on preOpenStack and I've
got a nice faceless app. Obviously you could pass a commandline option
to hide or not, which would let you run the app interactively if

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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