Checkbox Anomaly in Windows

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Sat Sep 3 18:54:16 EDT 2011

Mark, Thanks for your response. I had thought that might be the problem, though I love my "cobble", since both radio buttons and check boxes on Windows apps are so tiny. Now I've got something that can be seen.

I wish I had done the same thing with the radio buttons, though they do come through OK. I have several hundred of them in one stack and never gave this aspect a thought at the time, so I'll live with them. This is for an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) application, so my own visual problems are germane. (smile)

Thanks again,

Joe Lewis Wilkins

 Sep 3, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Joe,
> No, I haven't seen this particular problem, but some emulators do have problems. For example, Wine doesn't display image objects correctly. I can imagine that Fusion doesn't render some objects correctly if running is running in a simulated environment like Fusion.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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> On 3 sep 2011, at 20:58, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Though I've never been able to determine why the check boxes in my application don't show up in the Window's version (I'm using LC4.5.2 and run XP under Fusion), I have been able to cobble something using Graphics, simulating Check Boxes (kind of), that do work. I'd still like to know if anyone else has encountered this problem.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe Lewis Wilkins
>> Architect

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