So RunRev wants more of my money- what has been fixed?

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at
Wed Oct 12 08:00:30 EDT 2011

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Roger Eller wrote:

> You are not alone in your disappointment regarding Android, Linux, 64-bit,
> web player.  Every release has stated "no changes" in the release notes for
> Android.  Why even bother to have release notes for anything but iOS?
> Kevin said a few weeks ago that feature parity would happen "blingingly
> fast", and I am still waiting to see the bright light.  I haven't lost all
> hope yet, and I've been using HyperCard, MetaCard, Revolution, and now
> LiveCode for 20 years, so I really do love the language.  But...
> What else can we do?  We wait, or we learn another tool.  The waiting is
> getting old.
> ˜Roger

Oops.  I meant (feature parity would happen "blindingly fast").  It's hard
to type through the tears of being left behind.  ;-p


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