Wasting space on the forum.

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com
Thu Nov 10 13:32:41 EST 2011

I think the biggest reason people leave the stuff in and don't trim is
because many people use Google mail, which not only arranges threads
nicely, but obfuscates long chains of conversations completely - out of
sight, out of mind.

I personally have a pet peeve against the whole chain showing up in every
email, and when replying, I usually only include a small portion of what
started the thread or the last point raised. I do a lot of trimming. It
only takes a second.

Hard drives will be getting more expensive.

On 10 November 2011 05:43, <dunbarx at aol.com> wrote:

> Francis.
> I agree with Mark. It is very convenient to see the recent history of any
> discussion, laid out below the current entry for quick access. Beats
> opening other eMails located heaven knows where, or searching the archives.
> Space is cheap.
> Craig Newman
> Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>

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