Simple Game Server -- request for help

Alex Tweedly alex at
Mon May 30 19:12:07 EDT 2011

On 30/05/2011 00:36, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
> As you noticed, webservers are really bad at sending data to clients without being prompted first.  If you are free to use your own computer as server, i suggest doing it like chatrev, having a server stack that is publicly available on the internet. That way is the easiest way to avoid the statelessness problem that webserver always have.

Absolutely. What he said !!

But if you don't have (or don't want to require) a private server, then 
it is quite feasible to do it all with http.

You don't need to do simple "second-by-second" polling. You can do what 
I call "slow polling" ....

I've done a simple proof of concept, but don't have robust or reliable 
code. What I do is have the server store all "moves" (or in my case, 
things the clients 'say') in a text file on the server; each time a 
client says something, it is appended to the text file. Each client also 
listens for updates, in a continuous loop, like

> global gLast, gLastUrl, gStop, gName
> on mouseUp
>    put 1 into gLast
>    put false into gStop
>    put "" & gLast into 
> gLastUrl
>    put gLastUrl after msg
>    unload URL (gLastUrl)
>    load URL (gLastUrl) with message "gotit"
> end mouseUp
> on gotit pUrl, pUrlStatus
>    if pUrlStatus = "cached" then
>       put URL gLastUrl into t
>       -- and do something with it
>       add the number of lines in t to gLast
>       unload URL (gLastUrl)
>       if not gStop then
>          put "" & gLast 
> into gLastUrl
>          load URL (gLastUrl) with message "gotit"
>       end if
>    else -- no good data yet, try again
>       unload URL (gLastUrl)
>       if not gStop then
>          load URL (gLastUrl) with message "gotit"
>       end if
>    end if
> end gotit
On the server, when a client asks for more data,  it checks to see if 
there is anything new;
   - if there is, return it
   - if not, wait for 1/2 second and then try again

> <?rev
> put $_GET["lastline"] into tLast
> repeat with i = 1 to 100
>   put URL ("file:my.txt") into tData
>   if the number of lines in tData > tLast then
>     delete line 1 to tLast in tData
>     put tData
>     exit repeat
>   end if
>   wait for 100 millisec
>   put empty into tData
> end repeat
> if tData is empty then
>     put "no new data"
> end if
> ?>

For the other questions:

I would make the server as simple and generic as possible. I would put 
absolutely no game logic in it, so that one server would handle many 
different games. I would not even give the server any concepts of 
"turns", nor have the clients direct their messages to the opponent. I'd 
have each game have an identifier, and have every 'move', and every 
'listen', include that identifier as a url parameter (and use that game 
id as the name of the file to store the moves on the server). That way, 
you can have 2-player or mulitple-player games, you can add text chat, 
etc. without changing the server.

-- Alex.

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