Rotate Screen on Android

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue May 24 10:59:12 EDT 2011

On 5/23/11 9:40 PM, Roger Eller wrote:
> Using 4.6.1, no matter what I try, I just can't seem to get screen rotation
> working. I can detect portrait, landscape, etc. but is there a recipe to
> actually make the stack rotate?  According to the release notes, it should
> be possible.  I must be missing something.

I had the same issue until I remembered to set the allowed orientations 
in preOpenStack:

mobileSetAllowedOrientations "portrait,portrait upside down,landscape 
left,landscape right"

Once the stack rotates, of course, you need to script the new object 
layout. You'll get a resizeStack message that you can trap for that.

There's a bug right now, or maybe it just isn't implemented yet, where 
you don't get accurate rotation on startup and no "resizeStack" message 
is sent. My Android test app always starts in portrait. If I rotate the 
device to portrait and then back to landscape, the correct orientation 
kicks in.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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