[OT] MacDefender

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com
Thu May 19 16:27:12 EDT 2011

> Is that something that requires hard work or does it just come naturally?

It requires hard work, my friend. This is about tough love.

I was an involuntary mac computer tech support person for 13 years. My
attitude after that experience was that people should just eventually learn
how to cook or get out of the kitchen. Pleading ignorance in this day and
age is no excuse for doing stupid stuff over and over. Look it up! "it" is
all over the net, whatever "it" is..

"pompous, arrogant, demeaning and/or condescending" is in the ear of the
beholder.  If you feel you've been personally offended and demeaned then I

On 19 May 2011 12:25, David C. <davidocoker at gmail.com> wrote:

> I often wonder whether people stay up at night, thinking of different
> ways to sound pompous, arrogant, demeaning and/or condescending in
> what comes out of their mouths and/or keyboard. Is that something that
> requires hard work or does it just come naturally?
> --

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>

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