Mouse clicks and cursor change lost after certain actions

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon May 9 01:27:28 EDT 2011

On 5/8/11 11:37 PM, David Glass wrote:
> That subject is pretty bad, but I don't know how else to describe the
> issue. :oops:
> I have a multi-paned interface with one horizontal splitter, and one
> vertical splitter. The code for the horizontal splitter looks like this:
> -------------------------
> on mouseenter
> if the tool is "browse tool" then
> lock cursor
> set the cursor to 64
> end if
> end mouseenter
> on mouseleave
> if the tool is "browse tool" then
> unlock cursor
> end if
> end mouseleave
> on mousemove
> if the tool is "browse tool" then
> repeat until the mouse is up
> if item 2 of the mouseloc > 196 and item 2 of the mouseloc < 584 then
> set the loc of me to item 1 of the loc of me, item 2 of the mouseloc
> --rect = left, top, right, bottom
> --adjust the stuff above the splitter
> set the rect of group "DataGrid 2" to the left of group "DataGrid 2",
> the top of group "DataGrid 2", the right of group "DataGrid 2", the top
> of me
> --adjust the stuff below the splitter
> set the rect of group "DataGrid 3" to the left of group "DataGrid 3",
> the bottom of me, the right of group "DataGrid 3", the bottom of group
> "DataGrid 3"
> end if
> end repeat
> end if
> end mousemove
> -------------------------------
> This works as expected, and the code for the vertical splitter is the
> same (with obvious changes for resizing the vertical instead of the
> horizontal).
> The problem is that after doing any resizing -- so the stuff in
> 'mousemove' has finished, and the cursor has been unlocked (mouseleave)
> -- the mouse stops behaving:

Terry showed a better way to do this. I think he was right about the 
problem. MouseMove is sent continually and should be used instead of a 
repeat loop; combining the two is probably setting up some kind of 
message queue that needs to clear before anything else happens. A repeat 
loop locks out all messages until it finishes, and after that the queued 
messages are handled. The best way to manage things is to use mousemove 
to do all your resizing; it is sent repeatedly so you don't need any 
loops. And in between each mousemove message the engine has a chance to 
do housekeeping and cleans up the queue.

BTW, you don't need to check "the tool". The scripts won't run unless 
the tool is the browse tool; otherwise you're in edit mode.

I have a web page discussing issues with checking the state of the mouse 
in a repeat loop, which should be avoided whenever possible:


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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