Can Message Box retain messages?

Nonsanity form at
Fri May 6 14:30:19 EDT 2011

You can put multiple lines in the message box, and even scroll (if you have
a scroll wheel or other scroll input, since the output pane doesn't have a

put "" into msg
repeat with a = 1 to 100
    put a & cr after msg
end repeat

The only problem is, if anything else just puts something INTO it, it erases
what was there.

A better solution is to put a output field on the card or even in a
sub-stack, and log everything you want to keep to that. You can keep it
hidden unless you want to look at it, but if you do, make sure it never gets
too full and slows things down. I use many such hidden fields to track my
data as it moves through an app, particularly if the data is large and not
easily viewed in the debugger.

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsanity

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:04 PM, tbodine <lvhdgc7 at> wrote:

> Hi All.
> Can the Message Box retain messages I "put" there? Right now, it seems
> every
> new message erases the prior one, so if you have a series of puts as the
> program executes you can only see the latest one to fire. (I'm used to
> Director and Flash where "put" and "trace" messages are retained in the
> box,
> which leaves a nice trail of info for testing and debugging.)
> Am I missing something? Looks like the "Multiple Lines" option is only for
> the input, not output.
> Thanks,
> Tom Bodine
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