Hide group on click

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at clarkeandclarke.co.uk
Fri May 6 12:11:24 EDT 2011

Maybe I'm still too new to LiveCode (or too keen on the Matrix) but for now I'm sticking to the principle that software objects are inanimate - they don't get to have a state of being! ;-) 

There seems to be a fair mixture of toggle properties that imply states of being (such as visible), more that imply possession of features or attributes (listBehavior, shadow, sharedHilite, sharedText, traversalOn, borderWidth, scrollbars...) and others preempt behaviours (showName, lockText), together with others that defy categorisation, such as 'metal'.
On 6 May 2011, at 16:33, Nonsanity wrote:

> I see two-state properties such as "visible" as a "state of being" toggle
> such that:
> "the state of being visible is true or false"
> or
> "the state of being opaque is true or false"
> But "the state of being visibility" doesn't scan right.
> It's different with non-toggle properties. If there was one called
> "transparent", that would suggest a two-state toggle property (it's either
> transparent or not), whereas "transparency" would suggest a continuum of
> values. (It's actually "blendLevel" which is a artificial word and so falls
> outside these conventions.)
> "set the visibility" sounds like a command (hide/show) or a continuum ("set
> the visibility to 50%"), while "set the visible" sounds like flipping a bit.
> It's just missing the extra words that would make it a better English
> sentence - Words that can probably be added without damaging the code, but
> who wants to type more than necessary? :)
> But I wouldn't be surprised to find things in the dictionary that violate
> even these simple rules... The language is growing by many hands, after all.
> ~ Chris Innanen
> ~ Nonsanity

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