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Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Fri May 6 11:07:32 EDT 2011

On 05/06/2011 06:02 PM, Warren Samples wrote:
> On Friday, May 06, 2011 09:48:07 AM Colin Holgate wrote:
>> and "visible" should be removed and replaced with "visibility"
> Of course this would cause problems with backward compatibility, but I think the argument regarding correct
> English grammar is specious.  "the visible" refers to a state or property and as such isn't really incorrect:
> the state of the object is "visible" or not "visible". Saying that, I support the idea of adding "visibility"
> as a sometimes more intuitive synonym and the idea of the shorthand "vis" is appealing, too.
> Regards,
> Warren
Of course it is specious; but behaving speciously, or, as that 
grammatically challenged person,
Steve Jobs, might say "behave specious", can sometimes point out oddities.

Personally I always learn the short form for everything [ c.f. 'vis'] so 
I don't get my underpants
in a twist about grammatical categories when programming. I have quite 
enough of
grammatical categories in my daytime job . . .  :)

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