Calling all RevLive webcast attendees

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon May 2 12:15:45 EDT 2011

Many thanks to everyone at RunRev Ltd and all the attendees live on 
online for the best-ever RevLive last week.

For all the good times we had, there was one minor drawback: it seems 
there was a glitch in which the chat logs for the simulcast of the 
RevLive sessions were not saved here at the conference.

So if any of you have saved logs of those sessions they'll be very 
helpful for the presenters to better understand how well their talks 
anticipated the full range of questions and discussions they provoked.

If you have saved logs of any sessions, please email them to me at 
ambassador at and I'll forward them to the RunRev team.

I'm especially interested in the logs for the session on using LiveCode 
on Linux, since that was mine and I'm always keen to find ways to 
improve my presentations.  But I'm sure the other presenters feel the 
same, so any logs you have will be quite welcome.

Thanks in advance -

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
  LiveCode Journal blog:

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