A case of assigned behavior not taken into account

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Wed Jul 27 12:37:41 EDT 2011

I will take a shot at this. Behaviors are actually the script of a button, referenced as it's long ID. The long ID (as you could see if you got the long ID of any object) references not just the card it is on but the stack itself. When you clone a stack with behaviors, I suspect that the behaviors are still using the reference to the long ID of the button in the template stack. You will have to change that by script as you suspect. 

The reason this is like that is because you would want a modified behavior script to affect all object that use it in your entire application. It's just a little bit like OOP for programming. If you wanted the behavior to be altered a bit for certain objects, you could either intercept the message in the object's script, do what is different, then optionally pass it, or you could create a new button which was a copy of the behavior button and assign the object's behavior to that. But obviously you would lose the "one edit fixes all" for that button. 


On Jul 27, 2011, at 4:41 AM, André Bisseret wrote:

> Bonjour,
> On an app. I am developing on Mac, I have a main stack a substack of which is a model used for creating new stacks which are cloned from the model and saved as "independent" stacks (not substacks).
> The scripts of the card 1 of this model and of all objects on this card are all together in a behavior button which is assigned to this card 1. 
> This behavior is on card 2 of the main stack.
> All is working well on Mac. 
> But when I load the standalone for Windows on a PC (by means of a USB key) then a newly created stack from the model is inert. 
> Meanwhile, I verified that the behavior is actually assigned to the card 1 of the new stack, but all behaves like this was not the case!
> If, by script, I reassign the behavior to card 1 of the model before cloning it, then the new stack is working as expected.
> So I could stay with this reassignment but…
> Is it normal (seems not to me!), or am I missing something ?
> Any hint much appreciated
> Best regards from Grenoble
> André
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