stackfiles -- how to use?

Nicolas Cueto niconiko at
Sun Jul 24 22:42:18 EDT 2011


Apologies for the length of this, but I'd very much like list help to
understand better a scripting practice I've been doing half-baked for
a long time now.

It has to do with stackFiles (I think?), the steps for implementing
which I describe below, but first precede with an outline of what I'm

Essentially, this is the structure of my standalone and stacks:

AllMightyStack.exe --> Index-stack.livecode --> gamestacks1-8.livecode

The role of  AllMightyStack.exe:
-- opens up Index-stack.livecode
-- stays open but hidden in background
-- (most importantly!) contains handlers/functions and global
variables  -- but no controls/objects -- that can be called by the
index-stack and each of the gamestacks simply by name (ie, without
having to specify a path)

The role of Index-stack.rev:
-- shows the user some buttons, clicking which opens up one of the
various gamestacks
-- stays open but hidden in background, so that, when a gamestack is
done with, the user returns to Index-stack to either choose a
different gamestack or quit
-- does not contain handlers or controls referenced to by any other stack

To do the above, here are my steps:

STEP 1) place the following script in card 1 of AllMightyStack.exe:

on openCard
end openCard

on setUpFoundation
put "Index-stack,Index-stack.rev" & cr & "game1,game1.rev" & cr & \
"game2,game2.rev" & cr & .... & cr & "animationEngine,animationEngine.rev" \
into tStackFiles
set the stackFiles of stack "Mainstack.exe" to tStackFiles
open stack "Index-stack"
hide stack "Mainstack"
end setUpFoundation

STEP 2) in Livecode open the property-inspector for stack
"AllMightyStack.rev" and then in the "Stack files" panel add
Index-Stack and all the game-stacks. After which, I save as a

STEP 3) repeat the above two steps for Index-stack.rev

Anyway, I'm guessing I don't need to do STEP 3. But now I'm also
guessing STEP 2 is superfluous. Or is it?

Of course, I've read the documentation. But...

Hope that all makes sense.

Thank you -- for your help and forbearance.

Nicolas Cueto

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