Cursor lock

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 18 17:17:45 EST 2011

On 1/18/11 3:52 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
> Recently, Jacque Landman Gay wrote:
>> Is anyone else having trouble with the cursor not updating, or sometimes
>> locking, in version 4.5.3? I'm noticing it particularly in the script
>> editor, where the cursor doesn't change when you mouse over different
>> panes or outside the window.
> This continues to happen with me, not just with 4.5.3, but for years.  And
> it's not sometimes locking, it's *always* locking (it happened again just 5
> minutes ago).  I know something is locking the cursor because if I run
> "unlock cursor" in the message box, the cursor becomes normal again.

Yeah, I've had that too but not as persistent as it is now. I'm also 
used to the thing where you sometimes have to move the cursor outside 
the script window to get it to reset. But now it's a little different 
than that. It still does its share of locking, but sometimes unlocking 
doesn't fix it -- it's like the cursor isn't locked but it isn't getting 
update info.

The biggest difference is how I can't get a window to focus. Sometimes 
if I click on a different window and then back again, it will. Sometimes 
it won't. Sometimes if I click in the titlebar instead of the window 
content, it will focus. Sometimes it won't. That's new behavior.

> FWIW, I usually find the script editor is the culprit, but I can't nail down
> a recipe for it.

Certainly more common there. Since I have it open almost all the time, 
it's hard to say. The window focus problem may not be the script editor 
though. I need to pay more attention.

> Now that you say you're affected by this problem, I wonder if some of your
> stocks are stuck in my machine.

I did wash some socks that contained a tiny camera, but I wasn't aiming 
for your house. Sorry about that. Once they leave the dryer I have no 
more control.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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