RevServer deployment on OSX Server

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Feb 17 11:17:40 EST 2011

On 2/17/11 3:06 AM, Keith Clarke wrote:
> I bought the server deployment in the expectation that I could take
> the same set of stacks I would use for a desktop app development and
> (perhaps with a few modifications) simply deploy to revServer to
> create a web application, with the UI elements 'automagically'
> becoming available to a browser.

As Andre mentioned, it was never meant for that. It's strictly a 
server-side language, but it works very well for its intended use. My 
personal site is built completely with it: <>

The automatic embedding of stacks into a web page is what revlets are 
for. So there are two parts to the LiveCode web experience -- the server 
language (on-rev, irev) and the client plugin (revlets.)

The nice part is that you can combine the two on the same web page. 
That's what I've done here: 
<> On that page, all 
the page layout is managed by "includes" in my irev scripts, and some 
things are dynamically calculated by the irev scripts when the page 
loads (the copyright notice, for example, updates the year 
automatically.) But the two revlets on the page are run by the 
client-side plugin. You get the best of both worlds this way.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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