Nested Group Frustrations

Pete pete at
Fri Dec 30 14:00:02 EST 2011

I've just gone though a frustrating hour or so trying to deal with editing
the contents of a group nested three layers deep in other groups,
culminating in the loss of the outer group and all its component groups.
 Thank goodness for backups!

Maybe I'm not aware of all the IDE capabilities for editing groups in terms
of adding more controls to them.  For a top level group, it's simple.  Just
select the group, ungroup, shift-click the new controls, and group.  Trying
to do the same for a nested group seems to be pretty much impossible
without ungrouping the whole group hierarchy.

What I ended up doing is create a new substack, select the nested group in
the application browser, copy it, then paste it into the new substack.  I
do all the editing I need to do in the substack then paste the group back
into the original stack.  I've also used RevNavigator to drag and drop
controls into an existing group - that works pretty nicely but I've had
some issues with RevNavigator, mainly that the control list sometimes isn't
populated for some reason.

I'm curious to know if I'm missing something obvious and if not, how other
folks deal with editing the contents of nested groups.


Molly's Revenge <>

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