[OT] LIve Video Streaming
pete at mollysrevenge.com
Wed Dec 28 19:02:26 EST 2011
Ho Stepehn,
Thanks a lot for all this info. Unfortunately, my budget isn;t going to
allow me to do some for the things you mentioned, much as I would like to
have multiple cameras going.
Since I sent the original post, I discovered that a friend of mine has a
Canon XHA1S HDV camera which I am almost certain will do the job. I hope
so because it looks like a very high end camera.
Thanks for the tip on changing camera angles, that makes perfect sense. I
think I can find someone to operate the camera during the concert, although
it will be tethered to a laptop with a firewire cable so probably not much
movement available. But at least, he will be able to do some zooming
in/out and left/right panning to make things a little less boring.
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 1:34 PM, stephen barncard <
stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com> wrote:
> Logitech has a great new webcam for about 100 bucks.
> http://www.logitech.com/en-us/webcam-communications/webcams/devices/hd-pro-webcam-c910
> 1080p and so sharp it hurts.
> Get the audio off of the PA separately, however. Distant mics always suck
> for music, no matter the quality.
> However, it has no zoom and no mount for a tripod.
> MAY I SUGGEST though, for the comfort of your viewers and the quality of
> the presentation that you plan for a video input through firewire, using a
> camera you can move around, and even switch views using multiple cameras
> and hardware or software video switchers. like
> BOINXTV<http://www.boinx.com/boinxtv/overview/>
> (I use it and like it)
> You can serve or bounce to your streaming provider using quicktime
> Broadcaster (free), although the provider often supplies that part.
> Expecting viewers to sit though a long musical presentation with no shot
> variety is really a lot to ask, and if the camera doesn't move it's like a
> security camera. So if you have just one camera, dedicate a dedicated
> person that has no other task but to point it appropriately, with variety.
> Keep the camera moving. That's why you see so many "shakey cam" shots in tv
> shows -- it adds an air of verite' to the shot. They've even built special
> mounts for the heavy Panavison cameras to mimic the unsteady movements of
> cheap cameras.
> Speaking of cameras, there are thousands of great DV video cameras out
> there that were used once and then put in the closet after the wedding.
> They show up on EBAY and craigslist all the time. Look for ones that have
> the original unused tapes and accessories included, and spend about $200,
> and even though it's standard definition (720x680), the images are clean
> and the cameras have decent lenses, with zoom and focus.
> DCR-TRV17<
> http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Sony-Handycam-DCR-TRV17-Camcorder-Black-/100040858?_dmpt=Camcorders_Professional_Video_Cameras&_pcategid=11724&_pcatid=804&_refkw=sony+dcr+trv17&_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5848&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
> >
> I have owned 6 of these. Eventually, the transports break down, but the
> camera, viewfinder and monitor remain intact for much longer. The video
> signal can then be routed through firewire to a computer.
> here's a more pricey
> one<
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-3CCD-DSR-PDX10-DVCAM-Pro-Mini-DV-Camcorder-/130613883524?pt=Camcorders_Professional_Video_Cameras&hash=item1e6931b284#ht_4561wt_835
> >with
> 3CCDs and a great lens. But good god this thing went for thousands
> not too long ago. Because of the lens, the image will still be better than
> most of the cheap HD solid state cams, and more appropriate for shooting
> performances.
> good luck...
> On 28 December 2011 11:54, Pete <pete at mollysrevenge.com> wrote:
> > I'm involved in a project to stream a music concert live over the
> internet.
> > I've used streaming services before (not the least livecode tv with
> > ustream) but this is a bit different.
> >
> > The main difference is that I need to use an external camera, not a built
> > in one. I just don;t think the image quality will be good enough to use
> a
> > typical webcam.
> >
> > The issue that arises is finding a video camera that is capable of
> sending
> > what it's seeing in real time to a laptop via Firewire or USB, whether or
> > not it is recording it to whatever medium it uses. Most of the streaming
> > services have camera recommendations, but they are all miniDV cameras
> and,
> > as far as I can tell, that technology is old enough that nobody makes
> > cameras that use it any longer.
> >
> > I know it's a long shot but does anyone have any knowledge in this area?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> > --
> > Pete
> > Molly's Revenge <http://www.mollysrevenge.com>
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> --
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco Ca. USA
> more about sqb <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>
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