Point at which speaking is stopped?
Jim Hurley
jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 26 18:41:48 EST 2011
Ingenious. Works like a charm. Thank you.
There will be problems, as I have discovered in an other app I am working on in parsing sentences. The period has multiple uses besides a sentence delimiter, for example in abbreviations and in decimal numbers. These can be parsed out however.
Thanks again, vert nice,
Jim Hurley
I have put my Text to Speech app up on the web:
go url "http://jamesphurley.com/TextToSpeech.livecode"
> Mike Bonner wrote:
> Yep, in simplest form its not to bad. I put a bunch of text into a field
> then to read it, set the itemdelimter to "." put the field text into a
> variable and replaced "? " with ?. " same with "! " replaced with "!. " (to
> ensure we still retain punctuation tone changes)
> So the following script placed in a button will read from field 1. Clicking
> the button again pauses, Reading picks up where it left off.
> local tReading, tCurrLine, tTotalLines,tText
> on mouseUp
> if tReading is empty then put false into tReading
> put not tReading into tReading
> set the label of me to "Reading: " & tReading
> startLooping
> end mouseUp
> command startLooping
> set the linedelimiter to "."
> if tReading then
> if tCurrLine is empty then
> put field 1 into tText
> replace "? " with "?. " in tText
> replace "! " with "!. " in tText
> put the number of lines in tText into tTotalLines
> put 1 into tCurrLine
> end if
> if not revIsSpeaking() then
> revspeak line tCurrLine of tText
> if tCurrLine = tTotalLines then
> put false into tReading
> put empty into tCurrLine
> else
> add 1 to tCurrLine
> end if
> end if
> set the label of me to "Reading: " & tReading
> send startLooping to me in 20 milliseconds
> end if
> end startLooping
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