Database syntax
Michael Doub
mike at
Tue Dec 20 14:31:07 EST 2011
Could I trouble someone for an example of how to insert a row in a SQLite database with a live code array then update that same record with an updated array?
put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", thePath, , , , ) into tID
put the "CREATE TABLE ContactData ( " & \
"myKey integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement," & \
"RecordType text," & \
"RecID text," & \
"Name text," & \
"GroupNbr text," & \
"LastContact, text," & \
"DaysTill text," & \
"DataArray blob) " into tSQL
revExecuteSQL tID, tSQL
I think that I am ok up to here. I want to insert a record that has a RecordType of "0", all other fields empty except I want to put an livecode array into DataArray.
This will get the array into text:
put arrayEncode(tSettings) into tSettings; put base64Encode(tSettings) into tSettings
I am unclear on how to do the insert or an update. Do I somehow have to create a long SQL statement with the actual data in the statement?
A second database question. Does the myKey variable automatically get set to a unique value when data is inserted?
Thanks in advance,
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