LC 4.6.3 Gotcha?

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Sat Aug 27 15:16:00 EDT 2011

It's me, the OP. Apparently, no one knows the answer to my question.

So, I'll ask an easier one:

Hypothetically, we have a stack which includes a button.

the script of the button:

On mouseup
	do this
	do that
	go to stack "schedule"
	answer the short name of this stack
end mouseUp

The answer command confirms that we have arrived at stack "schedule"

on stack "schedule" there is a group, with a script:

on fooHandler
	answer "the foo has been handled"
end fooHandler

Is the syntax correct?

Or, am I supposed to write:

Send "fooHandler" to stack "schedule" 

or something of that nature?

Depending on the answer, I might have a followup question.


On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:39 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

> My previous message with this subject line was too complicated and hard to understand, so I'm going to re-post it, simplified:
> A script that has worked for years has stopped working. I'm not getting an error message. It just partly executes, then stops.
> The only reason I can think of is that I recently upgraded from LC 4.5.x to LC 4.6.3 (for the Macintosh).
> The essence of the old script:
> go to stack "schedule"
> billingnote2
> the "billingnote2" message is supposed to find its handler in the script of a group on stack "schedule" I'm sure the necessary group is present on the card.
> As a test, I put this handler in the group script of stack "schedule"
> on billingNote2
> 	answer "this handler is working"
> end billingNote2
> I'm not getting an answer.
> I changed the script:
> go to stack "schedule"
> send "billingnote2" to stack "schedule"
> it started working.
> Why did this script stop working? Does it have something to do with the upgrade to 4.6.3?
> Cheers,
> Tim

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