[OT] Internet Censorship

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at sealedair.com
Thu Aug 11 07:29:25 EDT 2011

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> This whole thing seems laughable:
> When I was 13 my Mum and Dad bought me a radio-cassette recorder, and
> I merrily recorded all the songs on the radio that I liked, and recorded
> quite a few songs from gramophone records that belonged to friends of mine
> who could afford that sort of thing.
> At no time (1975-6-7-8) did ANYBODY tell that I was breaking the law, or,
> even, being "naughty".
> I, later, bought half a dozen of the records I had previously taped, so
> that I could pose to my "friends" with the record covers.
> Presumably, all across Britain (at least) teenagers were doing this all the
> time. How
> odd that it never seemed an issue.
> Rod Stewart still made millions, as did Kate Bush, Devo and Kraftwerk . . .
> I CAN understand that copying music and subsequently making money out of it
> is a bit infra dig.
> What a load of codswallop!

That is a similar story to mine, and many other kids of the 70's.  If the
music was something I truly loved, then I would buy the record, tape, CD,
etc., but if it was just "OK", a recording made from the radio was just
fine.  Nowadays, everybody's an "artist", whether they can sing or not.  It
is assumed, and even expected that people pay for noise.  The market should
be driven by the quality of the work.  If it's good, DMCA or no DMCA, the
artist will STILL become rich and famous.


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