How to sort on keydown

Pete pete at
Wed Aug 3 03:05:20 EDT 2011

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do but here's a suggestion.
 Sounds like you should use an option menu and set the text property of it
in the Inspector palette to the months in alpha order, one per line.  When
the user clicks on the option menu, the list of months will appear and if
they then type a letter, the entry starting with that letter will be
Molly's Revenge <>

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Admin <admin at> wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I wrote the following code:
> on keydown
>  show
> field "MonthDropDown"
>  sort items of field "MonthDropDown" by keydown
> letter
> end keydown
> It's wrong. I know it's wrong. How do I make it
> right? (I want the drop down list to end up on the letter of what the
> user pressed on keydown, so if they pressed 'd' or 'D' I want "December"
> to become highlighted.
> Thanks everyone.
> Mike
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