setting bordercolor of images in group

Klaus on-rev klaus at
Tue Apr 19 09:08:59 EDT 2011

Hi all,

Am 19.04.2011 um 14:48 schrieb Klaus on-rev:

> Hi all,
> I am sure I am missing somehting, but don't know waht!?
> 1. I have some grouped images with showborder = true
> 2. I set the bordercolor of the group to grey.
> Setting the bodercolor of the images themselves does not work!!!???
> 3. Now I wanted to change the bordercolor "on dragenter"
> 4. Can't get this to work :-/
> I tried:
> on dragenter
> ...
> set the bordercolor of the target to 255,255,102
> end dragenter
> Which should work, I think, but doesn't!?

just found this in the docs:
To set the color of an image's border, set the borderColor of the card, stack, or group that owns the image.

So it looks like one cannot set the bordercolor of an image directly? Big fun!
Hm, what the egg? Seems not logical to me.

Anyway, time for another workaround, sigh...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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