[ANN] 3D Carousel Menu for LiveCode

Scott McDonald runrevplanet at smpcs.server101.com
Wed Apr 13 19:35:32 EDT 2011

>Did you do anything special to optimize performance
>on mobile


Performance on the mobile platform is much lower when compared to the
desktop. While making it I haven't unearthed any special tricks to make it
especially fast on iOS, but to keep respectable performance with it you can:

a. keep the source images small.
b. decrease the number of intermediate steps the animation uses for the
rotation. (rrpC3dSetStepCount)
c. turn off the reflections, if necessary. (rrpC3dSetReflection)

In addition to these techniques, the rrpC3dSetAnimationQuality command
allows you to optimise for speed by reducing the amount of processing that
occurs on the object layers, at the expense of accuracy of the 3D effect
during the rotation.

I plan to put a video on the RunRevPlanet YouTube channel showing it running
on actual iOS hardware in the coming days.

Scott McDonald
"Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode"
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