where to put script libraries

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Wed Sep 29 18:40:43 EDT 2010

> I've seen from some previous emails that if you put a script library in:
>  revEnvironmentUserPluginsPath() && "../resources/script libraries/"
> it will be picked automatically by standalone builder in case it is needed.
> Can someone (Monte?) confirm that this still the case?

Sorry Andre, after some testing I found that unfortunately this has been broken some time between when I wrote the standalone builder and now. That's a fair while so I'm not all that surprised given it was an undocumented and unused feature. It's only partly broken though because the library still appears in the list of inclusions. From memory my intention was to follow this feature up with a script library stack manager in the IDE but funds at RunRev were very tight at the time and I got into other projects.

You could make it work by trapping savingStandalone and copying a library loader into the build (or just adding to the stackfiles property if you want to start using only by script) then trapping standaloneSaved and copying the stackfiles into the build. Don't forget to pass these messages or you may break revObjective and the InstallGadget plugin.


Monte Goulding
M E R Goulding Software Development
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

InstallGadget - How to create an installer in 10 seconds
revObjective  - Making behavior scripts behave

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