Scripts that are already running

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Fri Sep 24 12:12:18 EDT 2010

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:57 PM,  <DunbarX at> wrote:
> Al.
> But this is the way it runs now, and perfectly well, though only in one
> direction as you laid it out. The background process is live all the time. The
> stack does its thing.
> I was only concerned if there was a way, however odd, to interrogate a
> running script from the outside. This occurred to me because it might be a long
> time before a working script ends, and it might be useful to know the
> condition was achieved right when it happened.
> So when that loop hit 50, somehow there might be a way to know that fact
> without something in the script itself telling you. I don't think it can be
> done, the way I understand the event-driven paradigm.
> Craig

Is something like this stack experiment you need?

In the stack I have dropped 3 buttons.
1) A button to launch a send in time message. The message increments a counter
2) A button to launch a send in time message which observe the state
of the first pendingmessage and its counter
3) A button to stop the two messages

A field gives you the state of the counter when the observer is launched.
You can define the number of iterations in a field.

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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