systemVersion, RunRev with WINE, burblings.

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Thu Sep 16 01:41:32 EDT 2010

   On 09/15/2010 10:36 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Hi Richmond,
> I think we already know that Rev doesn't work well with WINE. This isn't surprising, because WINE doesn't include the libraries that RunRev needs to render PNG's. Probably, you should report it to the WINE developers or start a discussion on the WINE newsgroup.
> WINE doesn't imitate or emulate Windows. WINE allows a number of programmes to run without Windows and unfortunately RunRev isn't one of them.

Nonsense! RunRev 4.0 runs superbly under WINE 1.3.2 except for the PNG 
rendering; which basically means it mucks
any images with transparent sections and renders PNGs as black 
artifacts. As such this is not fatal unless you are
badly hung up on PNG images (which I am).

I have just submitted a note about just this in the WINE forums (err . . 
. 'fora' . . . ???).

> If you can afford buying an official copy of Windows 7, then you might use VirtualBox to emulate a PC. Win 7 really runs perfectly on VirtualBox.

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