[OT] Browsing the internet... It is safer from Linux?

Mike Bonner bonnmike at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 21:31:51 EDT 2010

Microsoft security essentials is the target of another spoof alert
attack, though I'm sure you got the real microsoft security essentials
from the microsoft site, I've had to fix this one for a friend,
recently in fact.


While most of the time, it's obvious that it's a scan, but not always.
What is it the IRA statement to Margaret Thatcher said?   (goes to
find it)

"Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once.
You will have to be lucky always."

I see Virii in the same light, minus the bombs, blood and death.
Heck, I see spoof emails in the same light too. Send out 12 million
and you don't have to get many bites to make it worthwhile.

On 10/31/10, Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com <Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com> wrote:
> Richmond wrote:
>> The first thing I do when I install Mac OS X on a machine is enable the
>> ROOT account; that is dead easy;
>> especially as the Mac OS HELP system tells you how to do it. Set up the
>> FIREWALL, SHARING and so on.
>> Windows, on the other hand, starts telling you to fork out extra moolah
>> for anti-virus stuff . . .
> Incorrect, to a degree.  It is in many cases the virus makers themselves
> who infect Windows, and then use FAKE anti-virus messages that offer to
> cleanse your machine "for a fee".  The average non-tech-savy user will pay
> the ransom.  However, the free-edition of AVG has protected my computers
> for years.  However, recently a Trojan slipped through, and I switched to
> "Microsoft Security Essentials" (also free), on the recommendations of
> several trusted colleagues.  It isn't Windows that is bad, it is
> SkyNet.   ;-)   Sorry, I'm watching the Sarah Conner Chronicals.
> ~Roger
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