Stress-testing SQLite

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Sun Oct 31 14:16:29 EDT 2010

Hi Lynn,

>> I'm not sure at all that PostgreSQL would be slower than 
>> Oracle 11g, on both the OpenSuse 11 and OSX SL platforms and 
>> it would be interesting to know how Valentina performs for 
>> its own against both PostgreSQL and Oracle (would it be 
>> faster, as it's presented to to be on the 
>> site ?).
> A number of the testimonials on our site also include platform information,
> but not all - just what customers give us.
> I think your suggestion is very astute, and it also goes back to the value
> proposition of Valentina. A few of our users are using really mighty $60K
> boxes. Are your clients doing that? Or do they need high performance on more
> modest hardware?

"High performance on more modest hardware" went always the way i recommended to most of my customers (EADS excluded, of course !). 

> Check out information from one user from about eight years ago (!) in
> building a kiosk project, comparing Valentina with MS Access. Of course, you
> probably wouldn't do this with Access today, but worth considering is that
> this is with major hardware constraints, the overhead of Director, and that
> since then most systems of Valentina are exponentially faster now and we've
> added a huge number of other improvements (64 bit version, etc).

Seems really interesting. Is Valentina server able to run as a LiveCode server companion ? Is it way to install it in an on-rev account ?

> "I developed a kiosk project using Paradigma's Valentina database in
> Macromedia Director (not exactly renowned as a speedy environment), but on a
> P3/600 with 384 Mb RAM I imported and indexed 20 million records (about 1.2
> Gb) inside two hours. I thought I'd do a benchmark with Access 2k - it
> crashed after 11 hours of importing (not even indexing). Valentina did
> 5-term OR searches in under 0.1 sec on the entire dataset, Access (using
> only 10% of the data) clocked in at about 13 sec. So Valentina was 1300
> times faster!!! Does anyone else need convincing that Access is really not a
> good way to go?"

Went Access ever some thing else than a poor and unreliable way to store data ? I never used it in a production-state project... I liked to have to do with direct-to-disk flat-file-based MC/Rev db, SQLServer (a Sybase technology, as anyone should remember), Sybase ASE, PostgreSQL or even Oracle 8i to 11g. I never got pleasure and confidence to run MySQL but it seems i will get good time in testing Valentina, hopefully, in the near.

Best Regards,

> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> President
> Paradigma Software
> Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 
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Pierre Sahores
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