Help please: can't get behavior script to work

Ian McKnight iangmcknight at
Sat Oct 23 16:12:36 EDT 2010

Do you know I never really thought about using either mouseenter or
mousemove :)

As I was thinking about various ways to solve my problem it just seemed
'natural' to do something when the mouse was within the button area and I
fixed on that. I will alter my code to use mouseEnter because I like the
simplicity of the behavior not requiring any code in the buttons but I have
learned a useful tip about mouseWithin and mouseMove.

Thanks again.

On 23 October 2010 19:00, Peter Brigham MD <pmbrig at> wrote:

> On Oct 23, 2010, at 11:41 AM, André Bisseret wrote:
>> Le 23 oct. 10 à 16:29, Ian McKnight a écrit :
>>> Hi Andre
>>> It does help when you read the manual :) I did read it but I missed the
>>> significance of the last line!
>>> Anyway problem is solved all I need do is pass the mouseWithin message in
>>> each button - not a great price to pay.
>> Ian,
>> Just curious, why do you prefer mouseWithin to mouseEnter or mouseMove?
>> (with one of these, you should not have to "pay any price" ;-)), should
>> you?
> I always use mousemove for this kind of thing, for that exact reason -- no
> mousemove is sent unless the object itself has a mousemove handler, which is
> cumbersome if you want some generic behavior when the mouse is within any
> button, for instance.
>  André
>>  And thank you for your very quick reply.
>>> On 23 October 2010 15:01, André Bisseret <andre.bisseret at>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Bonjour Ian,
>>>> I just tried the following
>>>> - created:
>>>> - a stack
>>>> - a group "grButton" of 3 buttons: Button1, Button2, Button3
>>>> - another group "grBtn" of 3 buttons: Btn1, Btn2, Btn3
>>>> - grouped the two groups in a super group "grGlobal"
>>>> - a button "BtnBehavior"
>>>> - a field "fldTarget"
>>>> - put the following handler in the script of "BtnBehavior":
>>>> on mouseWithin
>>>> put the short name of the target into fld "fldTarget"
>>>> end mouseWithin
>>>> Finally i set the behavior of grp "grGlobal" to the long id of btn
>>>> "btnBehavior" of this card.
>>>> Hoping that replicate your problem,
>>>> Well:
>>>> Does not work with mouseWithin
>>>> But that works with other messages: with mouseUp, with mouseDown, with
>>>> mouseMove, with mouseEnter
>>>> Seems that the explanation is the last line of the doc on "mouseWithin"
>>>> in
>>>> the Dictionary:
>>>> Note:  If there is no mouseWithinhandler in the target object'sscript,
>>>> no
>>>> mouseWithinmessage is sent, even if there is a mouseWithinhandler in an
>>>> object that's further along the message path.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Best regards from Grenoble
>>>> André
>>>> Le 23 oct. 10 à 13:19, Ian McKnight a écrit :
>>>>  Hi
>>>>> I have a number of buttons which are grouped together, and then this
>>>>> group
>>>>> is grouped with other similar groups to form a super-group. I have in
>>>>> excess
>>>>> of 300 buttons then that each represent a date. When I put the mouse
>>>>> over
>>>>> any one of the buttons I want to access an array and display the
>>>>> relevant
>>>>> information for that day in a separate field. I have a mouseWithin
>>>>> handler
>>>>> to access the data.
>>>>> When the mouseWithin handler is in the script of the actual button all
>>>>> works
>>>>> as it should.
>>>>> When I move the script to a separate button and set the behavior of my
>>>>> original button to it - nothing happens. The Inspector shows the
>>>>> behavior
>>>>> location correctly.
>>>>> There are no other mouseWithin handlers in the message path.
>>>>> This is the line I used in the message box to set the behavior of the
>>>>> first
>>>>> of my buttons.
>>>>> set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of cd "calendar" to
>>>>> the
>>>>> long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"
>>>>> I even tried referencing all the groups but still nothing happened.
>>>>> set the behavior of btn "checkBx 0" of grp "sepGrp" of grp
>>>>> "calendargrp"
>>>>> of
>>>>> cd "calendar" to the long id of btn "behave" of cd "calendar"
>>>>> This is the corresponding behavior entry from the Inspector
>>>>> button id 1647 of stack "timeTable3"
>>>>> which resolves to the button with my mousewithin script.
>>>>> I can strip out the core of the script into a separate handler and
>>>>> place
>>>>> it
>>>>> in the card script but I'd rather not replicate the remaining code 300+
>>>>> times (even though it is only a dozen lines) if I can get behaviors to
>>>>> work.
>>>>> I'm using LiveCode 4.5 Bld 1080
>>>>> Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Ian McKnight
>>>>> iangmcknight at
>>>>> =======================
> -- Peter
> Peter M. Brigham
> pmbrig at
> <>
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Ian McKnight

iangmcknight at

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