[OT] First Mobile App Released

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Sat Oct 16 15:07:14 EDT 2010

Recently, Colin Holgate wrote:

> It's pretty good, and one of the most slick looking GameSalad apps. You might
> have risked splashing out for Pro to avoid the GameSalad promo screen! As you
> may know, things are changing over there at the moment, so keep an eye on
> that.

Thanks Colin.  The splash screen is indeed lame, but given the current state
of GameSalad's tool (all turmoil aside), I honestly don't think it merits a
mortgage payment.  Not even close.

> I've done five of the stages, working on the sixth. The triangle's one has a
> clear button that I thought would clear the highlighted triangles, but it
> really clears your entire progress. Fortunately I hadn't gone too far when I
> discovered that! It took 22 minutes to complete that stage.

Those damn aliens don't know how to design a game :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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