Clipboard in version 4.0

Jonathan Lynch jonathandlynch at
Wed Oct 13 10:57:29 EDT 2010

Hello :)

I have a question regarding the clipboard in version 4.0.

We have a number of applications that I created that we use in my workplace.
They are run using an executable file created from version 2.6.1.

I recently experimented with upgrading to 4.0, but was not succesful. It
turns out that version 2.6.1 can access items from the clipboard that 4.0
cannot access. Two things happen - for copying from some webpages, the
clipboard appears empty in 4.0 but has content (HTML information) in 2.6.1.
The second problem is that for copying from some webpages, the text portion
of the clipboard is populated with html information in 4.0, but is populated
properly with straight text in 2.6.1.

I can correct for the second problem programmatically, but the first problem
is real bear.

Is there anyway to alter the way 4.0 looks at the clipboard so that it
detects the same information that 2.6.1 detects? We really need to be able
to do quick copy and paste operations (sometimes thousands of times per
day). I do not have to upgrade to 4.0, but it has features that I would like
to use, if possible.

Many thanks,


Do all things with love

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