Making a tool palette

Marty Knapp martyknapp at
Tue Nov 30 01:37:35 EST 2010

Thanks Scott (and Jim for the example),

This looks excellent - I will tinker with this for a while and see what 
I can learn.

> Hi Marty:
> You might want to take a look at a drag-and-drop implementation I built some
> time ago for dragging any kind of control to a target stack.
> In your message box:
> go url ""
> When the stack launches, start dragging any object, and the drop window will
> magically appear.  Note that if you release an object outside the drop
> stack, it will snap back to the source stack.
> Qualification: I've never come to grips with LC's built-in drag and drop
> commands, I've always relied on a variation of this scripted solution which
> is based on code originally written by the late Eric Chatonet.  I wanted
> something more robust when it came to rendering the dragged objects, so I
> modified his routine to handle dragged objects as translucent stacks based
> on the originally clicked objects: images, groups, buttons, sliders, etc.
> Everything is created/controlled by script, so it can be modified if
> necessary.  Just saying, if you're looking to use LC's default drag and drop
> commands, you should look elsewhere.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
> Recently, Marty Knapp wrote:
>> Thanks Chipp and Jan,
>> I don't want to edit or replace the LC tool palette, just create
>> something similar for a project where I'm trying to imitate Visio where
>> you drag symbols off a palette onto your worksheet. I would have half a
>> dozen different buttons that the user could drag onto a stack window
>> where the button would be created (perhaps from a template button).
>> Has anyone done something similar that I could look at?
>> Thanks again,
>> Marty Knapp
>>> Marty,
>>> I might suggest you try and create a blank palette and then examine
>>> the scripts of rev's tool palette before jumping into the deep end.
>>> Modifying the IDE requires a deep understanding of how LCŒs IDE works,
>>> and isn't recommended for those not well-versed in it's ways.
>>> On Monday, November 29, 2010, Marty Knapp<martyknapp at>   wrote:
>>>> I want to make a tool palette very similar to the LC tool palette, that I
>>>> can drag a button off of and have it create on a stack. So I copied
>>>> revtools.rev to the desktop and changed its name there and tried to open it,
>>>> but of course LC wants to know what to do with the existing tool palette. I
>>>> did try closing that before opening my copy but got the same message. I want
>>>> to take a peek at the scripting to learn how to make my own - what should I
>>>> do, or does someone have another idea for me?
>>>> Thank you for any responses,
>>>> Marty Knapp

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