ANN: Grapple Released

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Sat Nov 27 18:41:25 EST 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 1:28 AM, Sivakatirswami <katir at> wrote:
>  [If revision control of a publishing team's documents are not your thing,
> please ignore.]
> Grapple, Really Simple Revision Control for Indesign Files
>  has been released. (Mac Only)
> Please, if you have time and interest (and use InDesign and have a server on
> the LAN) feel free to read and download and test:
> This page is so far unpublished.
> Being an xTalk hacker for 30 years, my stuff rarely reaches the point of
> being made available for general use, so I imagine there are many GUI - HIG
> and general deployment framework flaws. So, I put out a "no holds barred"
> invitation for constructive criticism.
> Note that Grapple is a pretty simple widget, code wise... not more than 600
> lines of core handlers in the stack script. It just uses shell "cp" and "mv"
> to manipulate files on the server and the local user's documents folder.
> But, it leverages 40 years of experience in a team of editors, so we know
> what is needed and it works. Minimalist UI and simplicity were key
> requirements...
> For the Livecode community it is again, a ho-um simple gadget, but for some
> publishers it could be a God send, especially if they have not pulled out of
> the nose dive of file management post Adobe's "end of life" for Version Cue.
> Anyway, being in the non-profit, help-the-world business, I wanted to offer
> this to everyone, Live Code developers included. If you have friends or know
> people in the publishing business, you could adopt Grapple and then become
> the point person for support.
> This could get you a toehold into the publishing production world where they
> could use LiveCode widgets all over the place and promote LiveCode to
> another "vertical market" that really needs it while getting paid to create
> cool stuff to make life easier for journalism.
> Sivakatirswami
> Have Fun, You Are Immortal Being

Dear Swami,

I just tried to download the Grapple app and I get a 404 error.

Best regards,
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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