Why Does this Behavior Fail?

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Wed Nov 17 18:51:23 EST 2010


I would to put help info in custom props and then call these 
automatically into  display as the user pass his mouse over controls (on 
a preferences card)

A preference might be a check box whose name is

button: __ autoMountServer   type: check box

If I put this script into directly into the check box, it works, but if 
I move the script to another card named "GrappleBehaviors"  and name 
that button:  "Show Prefs Info"

whose long id is: button id 1437 of stack "Grapple"

and then set the behavior of button "autoMountServer" to "button id 1437 
of stack "Grapple"

with this script (below)

it does not work. Initially I had "this card" and I thought that was the 
problem, but even after full explicit references to the preferences 
card, it does not respond.

on mousewithin
    put format ("set the htmltext of fld \"prefsInfo\" of card 
\"preferences\" to the u" & (the short name of the target) & " of card 
\"preferences\"") into pInfoProp
    do pInfoProp
    show fld "prefsInfo"  of card "preferences" with visual effect 
dissolve very fast
end mousewithin

on mouseleave
    hide fld "prefsInfo"  of card "preferences" with visual effect 
dissolve very fast
end mouseleave

Any clues?

obviously the goal is to avoid pasting this into *all* the controls on 
the preferences card... I might also like to change the way of 
displaying the info from a field on the card to a modal substack... a 
behavior I can apply to all the controls is obviously best.


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