How to reorder lines in a grouped list field (workaround)

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Fri Nov 12 17:42:25 EST 2010

In case it could be useful for someone, here is a possible workaround
to this problem. The script has been validated by André:

local lLineNo,tLaLigne,tStyle,lTrackDragMove -- script local variable
on mouseEnter
    set the dragDelta to 5 -- AU LIEU DE 10 : EMPÊCHE UN PEU ERREUR
end mouseEnter
on dragMove -- sent repeatedly when the dragdata is within the field
    local tContents,tHilitedText
    put (the mouseV - the top of the target) div the effective
textHeight of the target into lLineNo -- line number
    if lLineNo > the number of lines of the target then put the
number of lines of the target into lLineNo
    lock screen
    put StripCR(me) into tContents -- see below
    put the hilitedText of the target into tHilitedText -- stores
highlighted line
    put cr after line lLineNo of tContents -- creates a blank line
    set the text of the target to tContents
    set the hilitedLine of the target to
lineOffset(tHilitedText,tContents) -- restores highlighted line
    unlock screen
    delete line (the hilitedLine of the target) of the target --C'EST

  if the dragSource contains the long ID of me and (the mouseControl
is not empty \
         and the long id of the mouseControl contains the long ID of me) then
     set the dragAction to "move" -- Change the dragAction in the
dragMove if we are in the group
  end if
end dragMove

on DragLeave -- restores current contents
    local tHilitedLine
    lock screen
    put the hilitedLine of the target into tHilitedLine
    put StripCR(me) into the target --
    set the hilitedLine of the target to tHilitedLine

    put false into lTrackDragMove -- If we re-enter in the group,
cancel the need to force the dragDrop handler
    -- (we avoid to execute the handler two times)

    unlock screen
end DragLeave
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
    local tContents
    put StripCR(me) into tContents -- see below
    if lLineNo = 0 then
           put the dragdata["text"] & cr before tContents
           put cr & the dragdata["text"] after line lLineNo of tContents
    end if
    lock screen
    set the text of the target to tContents
    set the hilitedLine of the target to lLineNo + 1 -- sets
highlighted line to dropped line
    unlock screen
end dragDrop
function StripCR pText -- returns 'normal' field's contents
  if char 1 of pText = cr then delete char 1 of pText
  if char -1 of pText = cr then delete char -1 of pText
  replace cr & cr with cr in pText
  return pText
end StripCR
-- ---------------------------------
    --- put the textStyle of the selectedLine into tStyle --MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  put true into lTrackDragMove -- prepare the dragDrop handler to be forced

  set the dragData["text"] to the selectedText --to tLaLigne --the
selectedText -- plain text
  put the selectedText of the target into fld "Temp" -- in order to
create the right image
  set the dragImage to CreateDragImage() -- see below
  set the dragImageOffset to the width of last image div 2,the height
of last image div 2 -- centered
end dragStart
-- set the dragData["html"] to the HTMLText of fld "telField"
on dragEnd
  if (lTrackDragMove) then send "dragdrop" to me --> Force the dragDrop message
  delete last image -- we no longer need the drag image
end dragEnd
function CreateDragImage -- creates drag image on-the-fly
  local tRect,tempImage
  put the rect of fld "Temp" into tRect
  export snapshot from rect tRect of this cd to tempImage as jpeg
  -- export image to a variable
  lock messages -- important to speed up the process
  create invisible image -- we don't want to see it
  set the text of last image to tempImage
  if there is an image ID 6001 then delete image ID 6001
  set the ID of last image to 6001
  -- setting dimensions
  unlock messages
  return the ID of last image -- we need it to set the dragImage property
end CreateDragImage

Now some explanations:

Not read the report, because it is necessary to have an account to
join the QCC. I have no account and I have not found the link to
create an account...

It seems that the dragEnter and dragDrop are not trapped in a group.
The dragDrop is trapped only if the mouse leaves the group and then
enter again in the group.

1) So I added a local variable named lTrackDragMove.

- This variable is set to true when the drag start (dragStart handler)
- If the drag end and the lTrackDragMove is true, the dragDrop message
is forced by a send
- The lTrackDragMove variable is set to false if the drag leaves the
group. This is to avoid forcing the dragDrop as we are now in the
normal behavior of the dragDrop handler

2) In the group, the dragEnter handler is not trapped.

- The dragAction is removed from the dragEnter hander
- The dragAction is now set to move only in the conditions specified
by this test:
if the dragSource contains the long ID of me and (the mouseControl is
not empty \
    and the long id of the mouseControl contains the long ID of me) then

This is a test I picked in the datagrid library.

Best regards,
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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