Dynamic screen during application execution ?
Fabrice Muller
fabricemuller at me.com
Mon May 24 16:43:32 EDT 2010
Hi David,
Thanks very much for your response. For sure I'm interested to see what you have done.
My stack is available here : http://revonline2.runrev.com/stack/469/Mobile-Template-for-IPhone-IPad-Android
My goal is to give a template to developers for the basic part of an application on mobile devices,
more I could implement in the template, less the developers have to think about basic architecture and
could focus on their business part.
In the actual version, I have one sub-stack per device and I concentrate all code in the main stack,
like that for sub-stack you just call command and function from main stack. This solution seems
correct, but at the end you have to design your screen for each kind of device, with the risk of mistake.
It's why I was thinking about 1 sub-stack only, and just design the screen on the fly when the program
is executed, I though with this solution, you have less chance to do a mistake, and for the specific
part I will just use "Switch, Case". The only bad thing is that you don't have a real screen available
for developing, you have to put objects on the right place during execution and so...
It's also why I search someone who has already experimented this kind of feature, I received absolutely
no feedback from others about my template, and I'm not sure if it could help someone or not ...
Cheers, Fabrice
On May 21, 2010, at 12:54 PM, David Bovill wrote:
> Hi Fabrice, quick answer yes Revolution is plenty fast enough to do this
> sort of dynamic screen resizing based on the device. Here are a few tips:
> - Dynamic scaling or toggle to different presets? With the latter you can
> write script to simply take snapshots of their geometry and save them as a
> custom prop
> - Is it really any faster than creating distinct static interfaces? How
> generic are the components?
> - You may find that it is better to organise the project as stacks with
> views that can be resized using behaviors attached to groups. The main
> project stack would have your screen and the components would then be
> sub-stacks. Rev is fast enough to copy the components from one stack to
> another and redraw them for development.
> - When finished you can if needed remove the templates in the library
> substacks and keep the behaviors.
> Be happy to show you how it works with a screen cast, and interested to see
> what components you want as I've a few in my library that might serve as a
> starting point?
> On 21 May 2010 10:48, Fabrice Muller <fabricemuller at me.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm thinking about a possibility of generating the screen during the
>> execution of a program, depending
>> the device where the application is running. Just few explanations :
>> My stack has a card01 which contain every objects like buttons, fields and
>> so with business code inside,
>> a second card which is free of objects will be customized during the
>> execution with the right screen size
>> and a copy of every objects from card01 is done in this card with right
>> placement on screen.
>> With this solution, no more need to prepare an output screen for each kind
>> of device like Iphone, android and
>> so, it will be just generated during the execution and in the same time it
>> will be possible to have 1 application
>> for many different devices.
>> I hope I'm clear .... My question !!! has someone already tried to
>> implement this kind of solution ?
>> Is it viable, is it quick enough and so ?
>> Thanks very much for your feedback,
>> Cheers, Fabriceo subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
>> preferences:
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F.LA.M.A - Fabrice Muller
Phone : +41 (21) 652.18.10 - Fax : +41 (21) 652.18.24
fabrice.muller at pobox.com - fabricemuller at me.com
fmuller.flama at gmail.com
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