[OT] 3d flip effect?

Robert Mann rman at free.fr
Wed May 19 18:09:12 EDT 2010

on my macBook.. oldy.. 1,83 core duo with lots of ram, it takes 2 seconds on
the whole. As I splitted it up.. nearly one sec to prepare and the other to
actualy curl.. so chacing in just reduces by half still one long second!!
too much still.. sniff!! Well.. we'll do without the curl then!! smile.

alos same size of stack 700 someting by 700 something

Here is the code I used (I changed a few things but it is nearly the
original one..)

on mouseUp
   if (noCore()) then exit mouseUp
   put the milliseconds into tStart
   put the milliseconds into tEnd
   put tEnd-tStart into tdiff1
   -- answer "doCUrl? "&tdiff1 with "go"
   put the milliseconds into tStart
   -- if it is "go" then doCurl
   put the milliseconds into tEnd
   put tEnd-tStart into tdiff2
   answer "doCUrl took " & tdiff1 &" + "& tdiff2 &" ="& (tdiff1+tdiff2) with
end mouseUp
on prepareCurl
   lock screen
   -- go next card
   export snapshot from the next card to tTarget as png
   set the text of image "TargetImage" to tTarget
   set the loc of image "TargetImage" to the loc of this card
   hide image "TargetImage"
   export snapshot from this card to tSource as png
   set the text of image "SourceImage" to tSource
   set the loc of image "SourceImage" to the loc of this card
   show image "SourceImage"
   unlock screen
end prepareCurl
on doCurl
   show image "TargetImage" with visual effect "CIPageCurlTransition" fast
with angle -280 and backsideImage ID (the short ID of image "sourceImage")
and extent (the rect of this card) and radius 120.00 and shadingImage ID
(the short ID of image "shadingImage")
   lock screen
   go to next card
   hide image "TargetImage"
   hide image "sourceImage"
   put empty into image "targetImage"
   put empty into image "SourceImage"
   unlock screen
end doCurl
View this message in context: http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/OT-3d-flip-effect-tp2220725p2223690.html
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