player object and https URL

Martin Koob mkoob at
Tue May 18 09:46:30 EDT 2010

J. Landman Gay <jacque at ...> writes:


> > 
> I know almost nothing about it so I probably shouldn't say anything, but 
> don't you need some kind of certificate to access https pages?

Hi,  I thought so too and there is the command sslcertificates which the
dictionary says is to set the list of files and folders to search for ssl 

However if I set the file name of an image object to an https URL  
 the image will load without me specifying sslcertificates.   
This is what made me think that I don't need to use the sslcertificates 

Also if I use revbrowser it will open https sites and it will open a 
movie hosted on an https page.  So RevBrowswer is handling https sites
without me specifying the path to ssl certificates.  

I am not sure if it is a bug that the https URL doesn't work in the player
or if there is something that I am supposed to do in terms of handling
or providing the path to the ssl certificates on the computer.

I am just learning about this so I have been experimenting with a few things.   

I tried

open secure socket to "" with message "wasConnected"

this opens the socket which i can see with 

answer the opensockets()

This shows the socket as open

Still after I open the socket when I set the filename of the player to a movie 
on the secure  site no movie is loaded in the player


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