rev-web, revbrowser, on-rev, Linux, help!

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun May 9 05:16:03 EDT 2010

> So basically it goes like this, doesn't it?
> We want to write on-rev material, we can, we use a text editor, then we
> load it onto the Rev run on-rev server, and it works fine in Linux or
> anything else, in any web browser.  Presumably there's a handbook with a
> guide for how to do this someplace.  We don't have the on-rev desktop
> client which might make life easer, but we can do it.


> What we need for this is a subscription to the on-Rev hosting service.  I'm
> not thinking of doing this at the moment, so this not going to be
> available.  If Rev eventually releases the server package, then it would be
> in principle possible to do this on any server where it was loaded, but we
> are not there yet.

Correct - the revServer is supposed to be available for installation
on other servers sometime this year, I believe.

> RevBrowser would, if we had it, display ordinary web pages hosted anyplace
> in a stack.  We can't do this because it does not exist for Linux.


> The browser plugins, if we had them, but we don't, would basically let us
> run stacks compiled for this purpose in a browser window.  They could be
> hosted anyplace, not just the Rev server.  We don't have this plugin for
> Linux, so we can't do it.
> But we can compile such stacks, and people running Windows and OSX will be
> able to run them, as long as they install the browser plug in.   It doesn't
> really appeal to me, to write apps that my own OS will not run, but I do
> understand that it is possible.

Yes, although it is browser-specific. I can't get it to work in Chrome
on my Mac, although it works fine in Safari.

> Then there is Rodeo.  If we could get Rodeo, it would let us write pages in
> a special client, is that right?  And then we could compile them to run in
> any Web browser and host them on any server?  But right now we cannot get
> that either, because it is only for iPhone OS.

The idea with Rodeo is to give people an easier way to create web
apps, targeted at the iPad.


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